Initial Consultation – Free

To get started give me a call, text, or email and let’s set up a time to talk. When we connect you will have a chance to share your hopes and fears.

Life Coaching Session – $150

Individual sessions are conducted via phone or in person. I’ve had clients for years I’ve never met in person, but I’ve been honored to be their guide into a deeper sense of self.

Heart-healing, developing healthy coping skills, and boosting self-worth will change your life.  Live life on purpose.

Groups –  $50 Per Session

– Victim to Victor: Take back your power

– Discover Your Life Purpose

– Art of Authentic Living

– Raising the Confidence Bar

– Develop Your Intuition

– 21st Century Leader

Giving Back: Listening to Life – Drop-In Twice a month. I facilitate this group at my office. It is for like minded self-actualizing individuals. Cost: Donation

In-Person Workshops

There are many different types of intensive workshops.

Inspirational Public Speaker

If your group is in need of inspiration and want to leave renewed and with added energy this is one of my favorite things to do. Contact me and we can discuss fees.

  • Keynote Speaker – 2016 Washington State DSHS Giving Care, Taking Care Conference – A conference for paid caregivers, and unpaid family caregivers.
  • Washington Hospice and Palliative Care Conference 2014 – Serving Veterans at End of Life.