What a magnificent time we live in. As much hate, corruption, hurtful & judgmental behavior social media vomits there is HOPE.

I witness daily human beings making a difference dedicated to living life from their heart. Their journey is not easy. Despite the flood of negativity they are not fooled.

They easily spot the crazed beast with its many disguises that tries wrapping its ugly tentacles around them sucking them down deep into a vortex of confusion, hopelessness, and hate.

These spiritual warriors see beyond the fear and are changing the world by training their minds to be led via their heart. They know, because of the inner work they’ve done, they were born to help end suffering. As their awareness has heightened, their ability to risk stepping into uncharted territories has grown.

Compassion, empathy, acceptance of others, love, new ideas to heal the planet, are taking root all over the world and in places you’d least expect it. Heart-led actions for healing are occurring every day.

If you’ve been discouraged don’t be. We have the capacity to step out of dark thoughts and into the light, every one of us.

Today be a cycle breaker, start the inner work it takes. Be a spiritual warrior and walk your values proudly. Be a model of well being to others. Be a change maker for the good.

How? Offer a kind word, a gentle smile, recognize how hard the clerk in the store, the waitress or wait person, the maid, your co-worker, colleague, works and tell them how much you appreciate them. Start small and watch your kindness grow becoming a habit. You are changing your community for the better.

But always beware of the crazed beast of negativity. If you recognize its presence tear off its tentacles. Its greatest talent is to try and squeeze out hope and twist our mind into a million anxious depressing thoughts.

Let’s join with those who see beyond fear and become determined to be a flashlight for our Creator.

Good is happening. The more good you see the more good you will see.