It is a direct connect to the heart where the deepest wisdom is found.

Building a Compassionate listening practice requires three components.

  1. Self-awareness
  2. Self-knowledge
  3. Self-care

Benefits of these three components.

  1. More peace and joy.
  2. Get needs met.
  3. Self-confidence.
  4. Self-healing.
  5. Healthy boundaries.
  6. Ability to get raw and real with self and others.
  7. Healthier relationships.

Self- Awareness

  • Reduces negative self-talk
  • Motivates to build new coping tools.
  • Identifies areas that need healing.
  • Starts the process of moving from victim to victor.
  • Helps you to quit beating yourself up.
  • Makes you aware of habits that don’t serve.


  • Shows you where a habit or belief started and gives you an opportunity to see if it still fits with your life today, or if it needs to be changed.
  • Gives understanding and compassion to areas of yourself you may have judged harshly.
  • Offers an opportunity to remove guilt and shame.
  • Reflection and contemplation increase self-knowledge which allows healing to occur.


  • Raises toleration.
  • Allows the virtues of patience, compassion, and love to flourish.
  • Increases times of happiness, peace, and joy.
  • Creates space for awareness to take priority.
  • Gives you more energy to offer self and others.

Benefits of Self-Love

  • Healthier coping skills
  • Knowing love is strong not weak.
  • Healthy boundaries.
  • Healthy relationships.
  • Relationships are transformed.
  • Unhealthy relationships fall away on their own.
  • Healthy relationships deepen.
  • Intimacy and connection is felt by both parties.

Next steps

  • Create a daily practice.
  • Work with a friend who will hold you accountable.
  • Hire a Life Coach or Counselor to help you in each area.
  • Join a group, or find a way to practice with others who are working on living authentically.


The above is from a program I facilitate – Mastering the Art of Compassionate Listening. It is my hope this handout will take your Compassionate Listening skills to the next level.

The goal of becoming a Master Compassionate Listener is to connect to self, and others on a deep level. Respect, understanding, and compassion are three qualities this type of listening increases.

Compassionate listening serves all relationships and increases the quality of your life.

Sandy Powers, Life Coach