Kohl CHristenson surfing cloudbreak july 2011

As we wake up to our best self we “learn to ride the waves of our feelings rather than becoming submerged in them.”

We need to be aware of our emotion-of-the-moment. If it’s an emotion that can make smoke come out of our ears by riding the wave we don’t have to be submerged in it.

Hair trigger reactions, not thinking just reacting, usually are old unhealthy ways of responding to hurt feelings.

Developing our inner self is key. The gift of self-awareness is when the emotion-of-the-moment strikes we know it which gives us just enough time to pause. We are able to take a breath, tap into our heart instantly, creating an opportunity to respond in a way that serves the situation verses makes it worse. We learn to ride the wave and not fall.

It sounds easy, but it isn’t. It takes ongoing spiritual development, and deep intentional heart-healing. With those two tools under our belt we become mega energy managers.

The blessing of our work is relationships are taken to the next level.

With a desire to learn how to surf you’ll soon see the ton of tools and resources out there to master this craft.

I love life.

Sandy Powers, Life Coach

Quoted part – John Welwood

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We all have the good, the bad, and the ugly in us… the challenge is believing they all serve.

    Forgive, and love those parts that hurt so much they thought the only way to cope was to hurt back.

When we forgive ourselves we create room to dig deeper, heal what needs to heal, and develop healthy coping skills to handle painful experiences/triggers.

I was a monster of my own making back in the day. Super kind to those that were easy to love but a mega monster crushing folks with a single glance to those I felt hurt me.

Healing isn’t for the faint of heart for sure. But oh my goodness the freedom, peace, and joy experienced is totally worth it.

Now I’m only a monster on rare occasions just ask my hubby.

– Sandy Powers, Life Coach