A spiritual practice is not about eliminating every perceived negative, but about recovery from the emotions they cause by tapping into the heart where the Sacred dwells. It’s about how quick we come back into balance after falling hard into the pit of helplessness.

Dedication to my practice is ongoing. When things are going good is when my best work is done. When I’m not under the weight of a negative I am able to develop and anchor in a multitude of self-care resources that I can lean on when things hit the fan.

Life is life. We are human. We are the good, the bad, and the ugly. We are hit with pain and suffering by things outside of us and we are also the cause pain and suffering to self and others. If we can step back and quit judging our behavior and hammering in how awful we are there’s an opportunity to turn an awful situation into a healing experience. No one is perfect, no one can escape negative emotions, so lighten up, recognize you’re human, and get on with it.

The not so fun emotions are not bad guys. They are only parts of us screaming for attention. The longer we ignore their voices the louder they scream. When we listen beyond the obvious reason for the flare up we’ll find there is more to the story. It is never just about what’s happened, inevitably it’s linked to some ugly experience we wanted to forget from the past.

Remember triggers abound. There is no escape, but we can minimize our triggers by paying attention to our emotions, our feelings, and get to work and heal.

Why, is the quintessential question that becomes our personal Sherlock Holmes. Why? Why? Why? Why keeps us digging within. When triggered I constantly remind myself there’s more to the story, keep going and usually without fail I find some past hurt that carries a like energy. When I get to the bottom of it, it’s liberating.

Spiritual work, is about listening, finding the calm within, and figuring out how to access it. When we do our lives are filled with more peace and joy. With more peace and joy, we win, those around us win, our community wins, and so does the world.

Life is good even the negatives.
Sandy Powers, Life Coach


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